Just like any skill, mastering the art of nervous system regulation is achievable, and it can pave the way to a more balanced and peaceful life.
Our relationships and experiences, especially in childhood, play a profound role in shaping our health and overall wellbeing. Traumatic events or difficult experiences during early years can leave lasting effects on both the mind and body. One tool that helps us understand this impact is the ACES Questionnaire—a 10-item survey designed to measure Adverse Childhood…
Join us as we explore the transformative power of assessments in fortifying and enhancing our connections.
Understanding the difference between being regulated and dysregulated is the first step toward achieving emotional balance.
Sometimes it may be hard to pinpoint exact feelings or body sensations, so to help with that this article explores the list of emotions.
We are hardwired to connect. When we make connections, we produce oxytocin and we decrease our anxiety and increase our concentration in our focus. Lack of connection and loneliness can be just as deadly as certain diseases.
We have a tendency to remember more negative experiences is because we have what’s called a negativity bias. Learn how to change your mind!
What exactly is happiness? Is it a feeling? A state of being? Learn the secret to experiencing contentment, pleasure, satisfaction, and joy.
This talk is about what we can do for ourselves to take proactive steps to build our resilience and reserves. The ability to cultivate or achieve authentic happiness is a vital life skill – a skill that we need to strengthen and restore our well-being and the well-being of others.
A common relationship mistake that can be easily corrected can lead to healthier boundaries and more intimacy.
Setting healthy boundaries can actually help strengthen our relationships. Want to know how?
Giving feedback in ways that will strengthen relationships is a skill. We need to give and receive feedback in all of our relationships in order to thrive and build security. With these tips, I am going to help you learn how to give feedback in a way that strengthens the relationship. Feedback is something that…
Six Steps to building security in your relationship Most of us want nothing more than to feel understood, to be close to our family and to feel a sense of belonging. We want closeness but we don’t know how to do create it in our relationships. Let’s talk about six steps to create closeness in…
These days it seems like the conflict meter is off the charts. We seem to be engaging in more highly charged conversations than ever before. Whether you are talking to a friend, a partner, or a co-worker there are ways to disagree that don’t have to damage the relationships. Do you need to learn how…
I don’t know about you but with all that is going on in the world, with the virus, racism, and the economy I find myself having critical conversations daily! Effectively handling emotionally charged conversations can make or break a relationship. Whether these conversations happen between parents and children, partners, extended family members or even friends…
We are all facing so much uncertainty right now and this can lead to panic! Here are a few things I’m doing to deal with the uncertainty and manage the panic. 1. Know the difference between what you have control of and what you don’t have control of. Focus on what you DO have control…
We are all experiencing enormous amounts of anxiety right now. Anxiety is helpful to a point; but unmanaged it can be debilitating. Here are some helpful steps:
I don’t know about you but my relationships have been a little challenged since we have all been spending more time at home! Being able to apologize effectively has come in handy these past few weeks! When we receive a genuine apology we are much more likely to forgive and move on. But when that…
It may seem like the happiest couples who have deep connections, and are highly compatible; don’t put effort into their relationships. This isn’t true! Loving and secure relationships don’t just happen; they take work. I have found in my practice that while there may be a deep love for each other, many people lack the…
Recently, I had a couple in my office. The wife was feeling “not cared for” and the husband was feeling “underappreciated”. She said, “He never tells me that he loves me and he never holds my hand”. He said. “I make her coffee every single day and bring it to her before she can get…
In spite of how hallmark commercials portray the holidays, for many of us they are some of the most stressful and anxiety causing times of the year. The extra activities, the unreasonable expectations, the extended contact with family, and the anticipated gift giving can add additional pressure. For some people this is all enjoyable, but…
What are triggers in a relationship and how can mangaging them deepen relationships? Learning how to manage our triggers is one of the most important skills to learn if you want a healthy relationship. Read up on exactly how to do it.
Do you feel like you argue all the time? Or, equally as frustrating, find yourself getting stuck playing it safe to avoid an argument? Perhaps you’re feeling distant from him or her, afraid you’ve become more like roommates than romantic partners. Are you looking to deepen a healthy relationship, rejuvenate a worn-out one, or save…
How understanding our attachment style can help us better connect during the holiday season. This time of year brings up ALL kinds of emotions. I see it with my clients and I feel it deep inside myself. Most of us want nothing more than to feel understood, to be close to our family, and to…